Automatic Thermo Composter
Thermo Composter or K-Thermo machine process organic waste materials into compost in just 24 hours. The process involves the controlled breakdown of organic waste by microorganisms in a controlled environment.
Features Of K-THERMO Composter Machine:
- Automated 1-Touch Operation
- Overload Sensor
- Self-contained unit
- Temperature control
- High-efficiency
- Low energy consumption
- Autocut Function
- User Friendly

- Fully Automatic PLC Based Operation
- Inbuilt Shredder mounted on body (Optional)
- Fully SS 304
- 22-24 hrs. of waste to compost cycle.
- Daily feed & withdrawal of organic waste
- Enclosed & Compact in Size
- Plug & Play Operation
- Available in variable size starting from 25kg/day & upto 5ton/day
- Automatic Feeding Arrangement (optional)
Fully Automatic Composter machines are designed to streamline the composting process and reduce the amount of labor required to manage the composting operation. They typically include features such as automated mixing and aeration systems, temperature and moisture sensors, and controls to monitor and adjust the composting process. Some models may also include odour control systems to reduce the unpleasant odours associated with composting
General Features of Machines:-
Control Panel: –
- Fully Automatic PLC Controlled
- SCADA Touch Screen System (Optional)
- Electrical wires & components of Havells/ Schneider/L&T
- Indicators for power mode, heater & power saving mode.
- Outdoor enclosure with canopy.
MOC – Fully SS 304
- Outer Body & Inner Body
- Mixing Chamber, Shaft & Blades
- Control Panel
- Input & Output Door
- Shredder Hopper & Blades
- Handles on both sides of machine
- Mounted on four Wheels
- Wheels can be locked if machine position is fixed.
- Waste Feeding & Collection Trolley
- Heavy Duty Pads (optional)
- Emergency switch to shut down all operations at once.
- Overload switch to halt machine in case of overload.
- Auto cut switch in case of output or indoor door is open.
- Mixing blades designed keeping hand distance in mind.
- Automatic feeding arrangement in shredder for hand safety. (Optional)
- 1-2 Hours Manpower required for 24 hours operation of machine.
- Standby Heaters, Insultation Pads & Thermostat for faster, long-lasting heating-temperature balance required for composting.
- Mixer, Blower & Heater run time is balanced for electricity savings.
- Total Machine run time is 8 hours in 24 hours.
- Total Mixing Chamber Size = 4 times required capacity
- Waste Input Cycle = Daily Basis
- Waste Output Cycle = Daily Basis
Machine Run Time
- Total Run Time =24 hrs (1 Cycle)
- Active Run Time = 6 Hrs. per cycle (Automatic On & Off when required to save electricity)
How does Automatic In-vessel Composter Machine Work?
In-vessel composting machines work by controlling the environment inside the vessel. This can include regulating temperature, airflow, and moisture. The machine also mixes the compost material to ensure efficient composting. Microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria break down the organic matter and produce compost. A fan is used to circulate air inside the vessel and create an aerobic environment, which helps the microorganisms break down the organic material more quickly.