Food Waste Composter

With the rise in population, we generate lakhs of metric tons of garbage every day. Waste management has been a major concern for the world for a long time. With the help of Bio-Degradable organic food waste electric converter machines, we can easily transform organic food waste into fertilizers and mineral-rich soil.

Kelvin Water Technologies is now ready to offer Organic Food waste composters for a reasonable price. Our products are made from Stainless Steel and feature the latest PLC technology. Any kind of raw organic waste can be transformed into fertilizer with these machines, reducing its volume by 90%, while consuming minimal energy. Furthermore, the composting process takes place without any foul odours, making it suitable for IT parks, multinational company office buildings, airports, restaurants, canteens, and educational institutes alike.

What is Composting?

The composting process converts organic solid waste into usable biproducts, such as food waste, kitchen waste, temple waste, and many others.

As one of the organic waste converter machines in India, Kelvin Water Technologies Private Limited Green Waste Re-processor is used to convert solid waste into usable compounds. Farmers can then use the compost product and grow good quality seeds with natural compost without using artificial fertilizers.

A composting process is a rich process since the result is nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. This machine is 100% compatible and maintains all the requirements needed to bring this auspicious result, namely composting.

Composting by Organic Waste Converter Machine:

This Organic Waste Converter is an efficient tool for converting biodegradable materials into a quality product. Its effective mechanism of operation, which makes use of air, helps remove any impediments that obstruct the process. It has different ports for loading input and producing output, making it highly convenient for refuse treatment and recycling. To address our waste management issues and protect our environment, composting must be immediately embraced with the assistance of this reliable machine.

Why Compost Food Waste?

Composting food waste is an efficient and sustainable way to reduce the amount of organic matter that ends up in landfills. Landfilling food waste not only takes up valuable space but also produces harmful greenhouse gases like methane as the organic material decomposes without oxygen. Composting, on the other hand, allows microorganisms to break down food waste into nutrient-rich soil amendments that can be used for gardening and landscaping purposes. By using compost instead of chemical fertilizers, you are minimizing your carbon footprint by reducing reliance on fossil fuels needed for their products while simultaneously nourishing your plants’ growth with natural nutrients. Furthermore, composting diverts tons of organic materials from landfills each year which reduces environmental pollution and helps preserve our planet’s resources for future generations. Composting may seem like a small step towards sustainability practices but collectively it has a significant impact on conserving precious resources and protecting our environment.

Environmental and agricultural benefits of compost

  • Conservation of water and soil.
  • Ensures the quality of groundwater.
  • Reduces agricultural odours.
  • Diverting organics from landfills into compost reduces methane production and leachate formation.
  • On roadsides, hillsides, playing fields, and golf courses, it prevents erosion and turf loss.
  • By amending contaminated, compacted, and marginal soils, facilitates reforestation, wetlands restoration, and wildlife habitat revitalization.
  • Compost can be made from off-farm materials.


  • Source of stable organic matter over the long term.
  • To regenerate poor soils, organic matter, humus, and cation exchange capacity are added.
  • In some crops, it increases yield and size.
  • Increases nutrient content of sandy soils and water-holding capacity of clay soils.
  • Slow, gradual release of nutrients reduces soil loss due to contamination.
  • Irrigation and water requirements are reduced.
  • Raises the price of organically grown crops.
  • Reduces agricultural odours.


Food waste composter machines offer an innovative solution to the problem of food waste. They are a cost-effective and convenient way for households, businesses, and communities to reduce the amount of food waste they produce while also generating usable compost material that can help improve soil quality. With their ability to process large quantities of food quickly, these machines have huge potential to revolutionize sustainable living by reducing our ecological footprint and helping make better use of natural resources.